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Patterns & Shapes - Camouflage

All Patterns & Shapes Patterns & Shapes
Tessellation patterns


Ring patterns


Spotty patterns


Radial patterns

Radial patterns

Stripey patterns


Leafy patterns

Leafy patterns

Pleasing shapes

Pleasing shapes


General repeating shapes

General repeating shapes



Fractal patterns

Fractal patterns

Symmetrical patterns


Spiral patterns


Warning patterns

Warning patterns

Basilisk Green frog on a green leaf Leafy Mantis on leaf-litter Leafy Katydid Leafy moth on leaf litter Gliding Gecko with eggs Green frog on a green leaf Camouflaged leafy mantis on rainforest leaf Leafy moth on leaf litter Leafy Katydid Jackson's Chameleon lichen camouflaged Queensland Katydid Rattlesnake coiled Variegated Dtella on bark Malayan Horned Frog African Wild Cat Bradfield's Namib Day Gecko Camouflaged Grasshopper Peppered Moths Stick Insect Bradfield's Day Gecko camouflaged Camouflaged grasshopper Camouflaged grasshopper Camouflaged Leaf Gecko shamming dead High-casqued Chameleon among flowers Namaqua Chameleon camouflaged White-naped Nightjar on nest Peppered Moth Merveille du Jour moth  camouflaged on lichen Painted Lady Butterfly caterpillar pupating time lapse Flap-necked Chameleon in bush Frog camouflaged Bradfield's Day Gecko Swallowtail Moth caterpillar Camouflaged rainforest moth Camouflaged rainforest hawkmoth Gliding Gecko with eggs Eyed Hawk Moth Mottled umber moths Plaice camouflaged Wall Gecko eating a moth Large Ranunculus Moth camouflaged Large Ranunculus Moth camouflaged Grasshopper camouflaged Katydid Pale Prominent Moth camouflaged Grasshopper camouflaged among dead leaves Katydid Leafy gecko camouflaged on bark Gecko camouflaged on bark Pale Prominent Moth Striated Frogfish Camouflaged rainforest moth Gecko camouflaged on bark Black Arches Moth camouflaged on Birch bark Black Arches Moth camouflaged on Birch bark
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